E413 Tragacanth

Tragacanth, which is approved as a food additive under the number E413, is the extracted sap from the tragacanth plant. Chemically, it is a composition of polysaccharides and esters. Tragacanth is widely used in food technology.

Due to the carbohydrates in the sap, the food additive is constantly water-binding against any temperature and acids, and is thus used in food production as a thickener for final products such as mayonnaise, pastries, desserts, baked goods, ready meals, soups, sauces and ice cream. The substance is also frequently used to stabilize emulsions.

Outside the food industry, customers of tragacanth manufacturers, producers and wholesalers include b2b companies in the cosmetics industry, e.g. for hair products, or the pharmaceutical industry.

Synonyms and similar search terms: tragacanth, tragacanth gum, E413, tragacanth manufacturer tragacanth producer tragacanth supplier

Synonyms and similar search terms: CAS 9000-65-1, gum tragacanth, gum tragacanth powder, E413 Tragacanth producer, E413 Tragacanth supplier, E413 Tragacanth trader

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