Natural flavour Beef boiled/fried type

Natural flavour Beef boiled/fried type originates mainly from umami substances that form the typical meat flavor. Raw meat without any other ingredients has a weak aroma, because the flavor develops only through processing such as cooking or frying and the addition of salt and spices.

B2B wholesalers, suppliers and producers mainly supply national and international food manufacturers with natural flavor type beef boiled/fried. Beef flavoring can not only be added to meat dishes or animal feed, but is mainly used in the production of vegetarian and vegan foods such as meat alternatives. Demand for the typically savory flavor of beef is high despite the trend toward vegetarian and vegan diets. Natural beef flavor can be produced vegan by fermenting spices in a biotechnological process.

Synonyms and similar search queries: natural beef flavor boiled/fried, natural flavor type beef boiled/fried supplier, natural flavor type beef boiled/fried manufacturer, natural flavor type beef boiled/fried producer

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