Organic bitter fennel

Organic Bitter Fennel is a species of plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. It is known for its strong, aniseed-like flavor and aroma and is often used as a spice in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine. B2B wholesalers and suppliers distinguish between bitter fennel and sweet fennel.

Organic bitter fennel can be used in a variety of products such as marinades for pork, beef and lamb, pickles, salad dressings, spice blends, soups and baked goods such as bread, cakes and pastries. Bitter fennel can also be used to make teas and infusions, as a base for liqueurs and bitters, and to add flavor to pickled vegetables such as cucumbers, peppers and onions. In addition, bitter fennel can be processed into fennel oil and fennel syrup.

The global market for bitter fennel is growing due to the global health trend as the demand for natural and healthy foods increases. This is also driving the demand for organic spices. While Europe is the largest market for organic bitter fennel, most B2B producers, manufacturers and suppliers come from India, China, Egypt and Italy.

In addition to the food industry, manufacturers of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, pesticides and household cleaners also buy organic bitter fennel. Especially the essential oil of bitter fennel has many applications.

Synonyms and similar search queries: CAS 92623-75-1, CAS 8006-84-6, sweet fennel, Foeniculum vulgare Miller ssp. vulgare var. vulgare, finocchio, common fennel, aniseed, fennel seed, organic bitter fennel supplier, organic bitter fennel wholesaler, organic bitter fennel trader, organic bitter fennel manufacturer, organic bitter fennel producer, buy organic bitter fennel

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