
The alkaloid piperine is the most important component of black pepper (Piper nigrum) and is responsible for its pungency. However, compared to capsaicin, which is contained in chili peppers, the pungency is pleasantly distinctive. On average, the piperine content in black pepper ranges from 2 to 9.7%.

Nowadays, the dried peppercorns from which piperine is extracted are used as seasonings and dietary supplements. The black pepper extract is said to act as a bioenhancer and improve nutrient absorption. In addition, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect is used in natural medicine, so that piperine is used, for example, against rheumatism, muscle pain or fever. This also offers advantages in food technology and product development.

In addition to the food industry, pest control companies are among the customers of B2B wholesalers, suppliers and producers. There, piperine can be used in insecticides to control flies, lice and other pests.

Synonyms and similar search terms: CAS 94-62-2, black pepper extract, bioperine, piperine supplier, piperine manufacturer, piperine producer, piperine trader

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