Tapioca syrup

Tapioca syrup is a sweetener made from the starch of the manioc root. It is often used as a substitute for corn syrup in foods, especially gluten-free and vegan products. Tapioca syrup has a similar consistency and sweetness to corn syrup, but tastes slightly different and is slightly less sweet.

Tapioca syrup is used primarily in the food industry as a sweetener and thickener in a variety of products. Some of the major industries that use tapioca syrup are the beverage industry (soft drinks, energy drinks and other beverages), the bakery and confectionery industry (baked goods such as cakes, cookies and pastries, icings and coatings for confectionery) and the ice cream industry (as a sweetener and thickener in ice cream). Tapioca syrup is also added to gluten-free and vegan foods because it is derived from root vegetables, making it an alternative to wheat-based sweeteners. Another use is in bubble tea and boba dar, as the syrup gives the tapioca pearls bite and a shiny texture. Tapioca syrup is also added to marinades, sauces, dairy products and frozen foods.

The largest B2B producers of tapioca syrup are the countries that are also large producers of cassava, the root vegetable from which tapioca syrup is made. Therefore, Brazil, Thailand, Nigeria, Indonesia and India are among the B2B suppliers and exporters. The market for tapioca syrup is expected to grow due to increasing demand for natural sweeteners and increasing awareness among end users about the benefits of tapioca syrup.

Tapioca syrup is purchased by manufacturers of cosmetics and personal care products such as lotions, creams, and hair care products, as well as pharmaceutical products. In industrial applications, tapioca syrup serves as an adhesive and binder in the production of paper and textiles, and can even be used in the production of biofuels.

Synonyms and similar search queries: syrup, Cassava syrup, Tapioca maltodextrin, Tapioca starch hydrolysate, Tapioca fructose syrup, Tapioca glucose syrup, Tapioca invert syrup, Tapioca malt syrup, Tapioca saccharin, Yuca syrup, tapioca syrup supplier, tapioca syrup manufacturer, tapioca syrup producer, tapioca syrup wholesaler, tapioca syrup trader, tapioca syrup distributor, buy tapioca syrup, bulk tapioca syrup

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